Leaving on a Jet Plane
The first responsibility of flight attendants is to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers aboard the plane. In addition to that, flight attendants provide drinks, meals, and snacks during the flight. Though this may not sound like a difficult job, many flight attendants spend up to six months in training just to work for an airline. Once their training is completed,flight attendants must show that they can properly assist in emergency situations. A loss of cabin pressure, rude passengers, or even a terrorist hijacking are just a few examples of what flight attendants may have to deal with. The next time a flight attendant is serving a drink,consider that this person is not just waiting on passengers but also keeping the aircraft safe.
●responsibility n. 責任
Don't pass the buck to Lily because it's your responsibility.
●comfort n. 舒適
This car is far superior to that one in terms of comfort.
●aboard prep. & adv. 在飛機/火車/公車/船上
The food aboard the plane was really good.
●complete vt. 結束,完成
Jack told the boss he completed the work all by himself.
Don't pass the buck to Lily because it's your responsibility.
●comfort n. 舒適
This car is far superior to that one in terms of comfort.
●aboard prep. & adv. 在飛機/火車/公車/船上
The food aboard the plane was really good.
●complete vt. 結束,完成
Jack told the boss he completed the work all by himself.